
Buy Permanent Pixels

Normal pixel placements expire after 24 hours. In order to fund development of 9millionpixels, pay for servers, etc -- we have created an option to purchase permanent pixel placements.

These placements do not expire. When you have ppx (permanent pixel placements) available in your account, they quantity will be shown in the top nav next to your regular px amount. When placing a pixel, a checkbox will appear that will allow you to choose whether to place a permanent or regular (temporary) pixel.

Claim Permanent Pixel Credits Using a Code

Did you see or obtain a 9millinopixels permanent credit code online? Enter it below (signed in as a user) to claim your credits:

Please Sign Up or Login to claim a credit code. A form to claim your code will appear here once signed in.

Permanent Pixel Pricing

Until we can setup further integration with PayPal or another payment provider, payments can be made via PayPal by sending one of the amounts below to our PayPal email at:

Price # of Permanent Pixels
$5 250px
$10 600px
$25 2,000px
$50 5,000px
$100 13,000px

Message Us About Your Payment

If you have sent a PayPal payment, please let us know so we can deliver your digital goods. Sign Up or Login and return to this page to submit a message regarding your payment.